RHS Fit Check #14
Welcome Back, Wildcats! It’s March, and spring will be here before we know it! But before we get all decked out in jerseys supporting our favorite teams this March Madness, let’s take a peek at this week's Fit Check.
This week’s spotlight is on freshman Angel Lomeli, who’s dressed in one reminiscent of my own freshman style. He’s decked out head to toe in black and white, from the striped long sleeve to the classic lace-up Vans. Although it isn't entirely visible, his shirt (which has the perfect little touch of blue) is very cool, and he’s rocking some simple black nail polish.
If you or a friend would like to be featured in a fit check, email me at molly85971@students.sbcsc.k12.in.us.
And that’s it for me! See you in a week for the next RHS Fit Check! Go Wildcats!