Opinion Section

Everyone has an opinion. Some are popular and some are controversial, but these are ours.

Madison Ring Madison Ring

Floor or Bore?: Unconventional Seating in Classrooms

Have you ever sat in a school desk for so long that your back felt like it was going to fall off? If so, come and explore the future of seating in classrooms— the unconventional seats that range from beanbags to floor seats.

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Unbiased Media- Does it Exist?

Media bias is an issue at the heart of journalism. But what is media bias? Why is it a problem? How can we avoid it? And of course, does unbiased media really exist?

Image credit: Politifact

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Elon Musk and the Terrible Purchase of Twitter

On October 27th, billionaire Elon Musk acquired Twitter for over 44 BILLION dollars. But why did he spend so much money on Twitter of all things? Why is it an absolute waste of money? And what does it mean for you? That is what I will be discussing today.

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Daylight Savings: Is it Necessary?

“Spring forward in the spring, fall back in the fall” Sound familiar at all? This little saying spawns from Daylight Savings, that thing that messes with our clocks and sleep in March and November.

By dictionary definition, Daylight Savings Time is: time as adjusted to achieve longer evening daylight in summer by setting the clocks an hour ahead of the standard time.

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Classroom Environment: What’s Conducive to Learning

The environment that we work and live in can dictate a lot about us and the actions we take. For example, working in a darker environment can be a positive or a negative experience. While working in the dark can provide more eye comfort and a cozier atmosphere, it could also lead to a decrease in productivity.

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Should backpacks be allowed in the classroom?

I believe that there are many pros and cons to backpacks being allowed in the classroom. For example, this would be a great thing for many students who may need different materials for different classes.

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Standardized Test In Today’s Atmosphere

With the goal of finding a way to measure students’ academic achievement and performance, the idea of standardized tests originated in the late 1800s, later morphing into the assessments we are familiar with today. Nowadays (and in the 1920s when they became widely used across the US) standardized tests are used as a means to level the playing field and give all students across the country an equal chance of getting into different colleges and universities. Though in doing that, it also gave educators nationwide a method to see how their students perform academically in comparison to other students across the country. 

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Guest User Guest User


How many times has something that you wanted to talk about been shut down or censored? Throughout your life, you may have experienced small moments of censorship at home, in school, or even online—whether that may be through your posts getting taken down online or you not being able to talk about something, censorship can happen.

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Guest User Guest User

Is Senioritis Real?

You may have noticed that there are fewer seniors in the building this semester and that the ones that remain are less inclined to do school work. After college applications are turned in, and GPAs are established for the year, seniors often lose motivation to stay in school.

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The Importance of Music In School

Music education and the use of music throughout grade school provide students a plethora of benefits, some you might not even think of.

Music education is especially important in early childhood education, helping young students to develop and improve communication, memory, and social skills.

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My Body, My Choice

September 1, 2021, is a day of remembrance, but not necessarily for good reasons. As of today in the state of Texas, women are now given just six weeks to have an abortion, due to a  bill signed by Texas Governor Gregg Abbott.

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AP Classes: Are They Worth It?

There is a multitude of differences between middle school and high school, one of the biggest being the classes you are able to take. You can choose from a huge selection of elective classes such as pottery, photography, journalism, creative writing, and more. You can also choose from a couple of different levels of class as well, one of them being AP classes.

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Dress Code Controversy

Dress code is a universal problem that has been talked about for decades. In high school, middle school, and elementary schools dress code has been a highlighted topic by administrators, parents, staff, and students because it is often contested. There are many varying opinions about dress codes, some positive and some negative, but these opinions usually differ based on gender and how high in the social hierarchy a person is.

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