RHS Fit Check #13

Welcome back, Wildcats! With Valentine’s Day happening earlier this week, most people have love on the brain. So why not take the opportunity to talk about one of my deepest loves… Fashion!

This week’s spotlight is on sophomore Jania Williams, who's sporting a lovely black outfit. Her cropped shirt has some really cute mushrooms on it, and the striped sleeves are iconic. She’s also wearing a plaid and pleated skirt, some black tights, and a pair of black boots to finish off the look.

If you or a friend would like to be featured in a Fit Check, email me at molly85971@students.sbcsc.k12.in.us.

That’s all for me. I’ll see you guys in the next RHS Fit Check. Till then, Go Wildcats!


RHS Fit Check #14


Fit Check #12