Where are the Aliens?

For centuries, we’ve looked up upon the stars, with the thought that there may be Aliens, or other intelligent lifeforms, that could be living on another planet. Many have claimed that Aliens are real, and are “hiding” somewhere out there. Others argue that aliens cannot exist, for there is no proof of them, and there are very few places in the Universe for aliens to be living.

I will break down both arguments, and after reading this, you’ll be able to come to your conclusion on the existence of other-worldly life. 

If we’re going to look at both sides of the argument, we first need to see where the idea of aliens originated. 

According to sciencenews.org, the first consideration of otherworldly beings was by Nicolaus Copernicus during the 1400-the 1500s, where Copernicus proved that the Earth was not the center of the universe and that more planets exist, rather than just the Earth as it was previously believed. 

Because of this discovery, people were starting to ponder that if there are more planets, then there should be more life around the universe.

That idea expanded and got us to where we are today. Nowadays, since the existence of trillions of planets has been proven, the question has gotten larger and larger, with any research into it having to no avail. There are countless theories on the existence, or non-existence, of aliens, and I’d like to take a look at some of the most prominent, and popular ones.

The most common way Aliens are disproved is by using the Fermi Paradox.

The Fermi paradox states that if there is any life that is just as, or even more, intelligent as us, then they should be all across the universe. But they are not, as there is nearly no proof of them. If you want to learn more about this, you should watch this video: The Fermi Paradox — Where Are All The Aliens? (1/2)

The Dark Forest theory counteracts this paradox, by explaining that Aliens do exist, and perhaps the universe is just like a forest. Those who are loud, or seeking communication with others, will get obliterated by predators, or in this case, other life. Therefore maybe the common rule of the cosmos is to stay hidden, and unknown to said “predators.” If you want to learn more about this theory as well, you should watch this video: Why We Should NOT Look For Aliens - The Dark Forest.

The final theory I’ll talk about here is just as, if not more likely, than the others. This theory is called The Great Filter. According to EarthSky.org, the Great Filter states that for all life, there is a “filter” of some sort. This filter is what’s preventing any life from advancing, and discovering other life. This metaphorical filter is what destroys a species, making them go extinct. From asteroid collisions to the death of a star, to even warfare among themselves, the Great Filter can go into effect in many forms.

It’s theorized that humanity is going to be facing this great filter, with our technology advancing, and global conflict escalating. 

If you want to learn more about this, I’d suggest watching this video: Why Alien Life Would be our Doom - The Great Filter.

These theories are not the only explanation for the lack of alien life. Maybe they can’t understand us? Maybe we’re looking in the wrong places? Or maybe aliens do not exist at all, and humanity is one of a kind.

If this intrigues you, I’d recommend researching more about alien life and the theories I’ve brought up. Or even if you don’t care, and just wish to make your conclusion, it’s still good to research.

I hope that throughout all of this, you’ve learned more about alien life, and have come to your conclusion about the truth of all this, whether you believe in aliens or not.

If you have any comments, questions, or criticisms, feel free to email me.


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