What to get Gen Z for the Holidays

In just a few weeks, the holiday season will begin. With the season approaching rapidly, some people are not sure what gifts to give to their friends and family members. If you’re one of those people, then I have you covered. Today, using statistics and personal experience as a member of Gen Z, I can help you with your gifting needs this coming month.

Respondents, Riley students across a number of different classes, were asked what they were hoping for the most this holiday season, and a variety of answers were received, like sporting equipment, smartphones, and vehicles, but one response was more common than others. And that response is a PlayStation 5, or a PS5.

It makes sense why this would be heavily requested, for the PS5 has not been readily available. From a lack of stock to scalpers, to the insane price, it makes sense why people would want a PlayStation 5, even if they aren’t able to afford it themselves.

The PlayStation 5 is a relatively brand new, high-demand, console from Sony. The console has a large price tag, coming from $300-$600 at stores. However, stores have been sold out of the PS5 ever since it came out because scalpers—people who buy stuff for a low price and sell it for a high price—have bought absurd amounts of PS5s. The scalpers are now selling it for up to $1500, and nobody is paying that much for a gaming console. Scalpers' abuse of the market is likely the core reason they’re in such high demand.

On the topic of electronics, we asked what type of gift they would want for the holidays. (Electronics, pets, sporting goods, etc.)

60% of Riley students wanted electronics for Christmas, while 15% wanted vehicles. The rest wanted pets or sporting equipment.

The 60% of people wanting electronics matches the recent interest in video games. Games like God of War: Ragnarok, Pokemon Scarlet as well as Violet, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, are all recent releases, likely influencing that 60%.

Being new and shiny isn’t the only reason one would want these games. With the bitter cold of winter, people are going to have to stay indoors most of the day. Since you’ll be stuck in the house all day, video games are a good way to burn that time away, which is why so many are asking for some.

Another thing asked was if people would rather give or get gifts. About 70% of people said they’d rather receive gifts.

It is not hard for one to see why most people would rather receive gifts, as it is nice to be gifted things for no cost. Along with that, lots of people don’t have a large amount of money, so they may want gifts for the sole reason of receiving something they aren't able to afford.

So, with all of this said, the main question remains: what would your friends want for the holidays?

For electronics, you may want to get them a new phone case, or a new game. For an athlete, perhaps a water bottle or equipment for whatever sport they play. Or, if you know them very well, just simply ask.

Hopefully, throughout this, you’ve learned what your fellow peers want this season, and have been able to nail down what you want to get them.

If you have any questions, comments, or criticisms, feel free to email me.


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