RHS Fit Check #9
Welcome back, Wildcats! Hopefully, all that candy didn’t give you guys too bad of a stomach ache. Now that spooky season is over, as we all combat the hoards of red and green decor that seem to be popping up across the landscape, and all the retail workers are once again held captive by Mariah Carey, we can enjoy the wonderful fall fashions! So grab your Ugg boots and that Pumpkin Spice Latte, and let’s get into this week’s Fit Check!
Today's spotlight is on sophomore Kimberly Good, who’s wearing a super cute gray and pink floral print long-sleeve shirt. Over it, she’s got an adorable black and white checked jumper, and she’s sporting some plain white leggings underneath. She’s accessorizing with a bracelet and a pair of white sneakers.
If you or a friend would like to be part of the next RHS Fit Check, email me at molly85971@students.sbcsc.k12.in.us.
That’s it for me. I’ll see you guys next week for the next RHS Fit Check. Till then, enjoy your fall and Go Wildcats!