News Section

Want to know what is going on at Riley High School right now? We’ll let you know.

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The Mr. Henderson Fan Page

You may have heard about the mysterious Shawn Henderson Fan Page, but have you ever wondered who was behind it? Have you ever wondered what Mr. Henderson thinks about the activity it has created? The Mr.Henderson Fan Page is a school-wide phenomenon that many question and wonder about.

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The Importance of Cyber-Security

The internet is one of our greatest achievements in recent years. You can use the internet for entertainment, knowledge, ordering food, and even filing your taxes. However, with a tool as powerful as the internet, there are destined to be people to abuse it for malicious intent.

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Options after High School

After high school, people often go their separate ways. Straight paths diverge into hundreds of possibilities. From going straight to college, straight to trade school, to instead going into the military—there are dozens of choices for the future.

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Bringing Back a Tradition with a New Face

As I’ve written in the past, one of the only constants in life is change. This past semester we have seen yet another change in our teaching staff, welcoming back Nathan Mittleman, a 2007 Riley graduate, as our Choir and Theatre Arts Teacher.

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Bon Voyage Young Travelers

Have you ever wondered what it is like in other countries? What life is like in Spain or Germany? Have you ever wondered about the foreign exchange experience? There are obviously many differences between the United States and other countries and what you may find out could be eye-opening.

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Supply Chain Strain

The price of gas is something that is consistently complained about, no matter where you live. As long as you have a car, you pay rapt attention to the prices at each station you drive by. However, it doesn’t really matter what the prices are because you will have to refill your vehicle regardless.

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The Future of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a unique type of currency that uses digital files as money. The technology for crypto was first developed and utilized in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamato, a person or group of people that founded the first crypto currency, Bitcoin.

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Teacher Shortage: A Nationwide Problem Hitting Home

If you’re currently in grade school, or were within the past decade or so, you may have noticed an increase in substitute teachers and a decrease in regular teachers throughout your school day. School districts nationwide have had difficulty filling certain teaching positions, especially those in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics specialties, or STEM as it’s commonly referred to. 

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An Addition to Our Admin Team: Adam Tenbarge

If you’ve looked at our staff directory this year, you may have noticed a new name amongst the admin team. Adam Tenbarge, our new principal intern, started as an English teacher before making the switch to working in administration. 

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Senior Spotlight: 4 Years of Advice for Incoming High Schoolers

As time goes by, students find their own unique way of getting through their school years as best as they can. Their experience navigating through highschool allows them to gain wisdom. We all try to find the secret in what the most important things to do to succeed and graduate are.

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Speeding Into the Problems of Busing

Have you ever wondered what it was like to miss half of your first hour class because your mode of transportation is super unreliable? If you haven’t, then you probably don’t ride a bus to school. The South Bend School Corporation busing system has undergone major changes in the past few months and not all of these are beneficial. 

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Riley Requires Reading

The new school year started a little over 3 months ago and with it brought a few new district-wide goals for the South Bend Community School Corporation. As a result, COVID-19 had many consequences, and graduation rates along with literacy rates declined. To combat this, SBCSC has made the initiative to increase literacy rates district-wide, which will help with graduation rates.

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Violence in Schools

At schools, violence should not be a main concern. However, the threat of violence in schools is steadily rising. According to a study by the National Center for Education Statistics, the amount of violence in schools is rising—causing a major problem in public schools across the country, not just here in South Bend.

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Hispanic Heritage Month: An Opportunity to Recognize

As we close the month of October and move out of Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM), you may have asked yourself why there were HHM posters hanging up around the school or why you might have been getting emails about it. You also might ask yourself, “What is Hispanic Heritage Month?”

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Welcome to the Riley Family, New Teachers

The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “The only constant in life is change.” This statement couldn’t be any more true, especially during the teenage and young adult years. Our Riley community has also seen some changes as well, specifically in our teaching staff. This year, we welcome seven new teachers: Here’s some info on five of them:

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