Riley’s 2023 Prom a Huge Hit

Welcome back, Wildcats! One of the most defining moments in the life of a teenager has passed. The 2023 prom has come and gone, and from all the students who attended that I’ve talked to, it was the place to be. The music was good (for the most part at least), and everyone had a great time dancing.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to get permission to use pictures of people’s amazing outfits, but there were so many drop-dead gorgeous gowns and fantastically formal suits. And of course, I can’t go without mentioning our prom King and Queen, Juhan Taylor and Kayla Woods! Congrats to the both of you, your votes were absolutely well deserved, and congratulations as well to the rest of the prom court.

I’m sure most of you can’t wait for next year’s prom, so if you’d like to help with planning, participate in student council and student government! Seniors get to pick themes, so current juniors, start thinking of ideas now!

That’s all for me this week. Till next time, Go Wildcats!


Riley Renews Mock Trial Team


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