Should Riley have a new club?

Written by: Ti’karra Adams

As a second-year student at RHS, many things have caught my attention, but one thing that particularly stands out to me is school clubs. The school clubs at RHS are creative and diverse, yet I have noticed that some club ideas aren't receiving the attention they deserve from individuals with amazing ideas. Through interviewing people, I've gained insights into various learning techniques and new areas to explore. There are numerous clubs such as the art club, French club, and even GAPP. During discussions about clubs, my English teacher, Mrs. Clark, suggested the idea of a language club and specific art clubs like knitting or crocheting, which resonated with me as I enjoy knitting and practicing Spanish. However, not everyone can concentrate as effectively as others, particularly individuals with ADHD, ADD, or other conditions, making it challenging to find suitable teaching techniques.

With the assistance of young Vanessa Tlatenchi and her brilliant idea of hosting meetings in the weeks when clubs are held, along with reminders to ensure students remain accountable for attending their respective clubs, a solution begins to emerge. Now, how would you approach Mr. Henderson about your club idea? It's simple; you could present him with the idea, outlining the benefits the club can offer. Additionally, having everything organized in advance, such as finding adult sponsors and recruiting a group of students willing to join, would make it easier for him to approve the club. The community would greatly benefit from new club ideas like a sign language club and a language/knitting club, fostering connections through enjoyable activities and language acquisition, which I find personally enriching. Furthermore, by promoting a clean environment, we can positively impact our surroundings, reflecting our Wildcat strength and fulfilling the needs of our community, which depends on us as much as we rely on them.


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