Are masks important?

On November 17th, 2019 a virus was discovered in China that would change the world as we know it. The virus, dubbed “COVID-19” was spreading slowly at first. However, at the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 skyrocketed globally. The spread of COVID-19 would lead us to a lockdown and the new requirement of wearing masks when we absolutely needed to venture out of our homes.

Some have had many questions about COVID-19, such as if the masks work, if it’s worth getting vaccinated, and many other questions that question the science behind this not-so-new virus. Even though we have been in this pandemic for a couple of years now, the question of masks is consistently brought up. Students in schools constantly have to be told to “fix their mask” or “pull it up above their nose,” even though some assume that they should be used to this by now. This begs a reminder of why it all matters, which I hope to address.

First off, why do we have to wear masks in the first place?

“COVID-19 spreads by exhaling through the mouth and nose, so by wearing face masks, we can protect ourselves and others from COVID-19,” says Riley Nurse, Mrs. Guthrie.

Though people are wearing face masks, some are still getting sick. In fact, over 40 people from Riley High School have been quarantined from catching COVID-19 recently. Most likely, if you catch COVID-19 but always wear a face mask, you are not wearing your mask correctly.

“Your mask should go above your chin, mouth, and nose,” Mrs. Guthrie reminds us. Not wearing your mask correctly makes you more vulnerable to COVID-19.

If you don’t have a mask, you can always get a mask from Mr. Walton at the front of the building.

“Around 400 masks are given out a day.” says Mr. Walton. So, if you do not have a mask, stay safe and get one from the front.
Though masks help to protect yourself and others, there are many other ways to minimize the risks of catching COVID-19.

“Getting vaccinated helps greatly in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and lessens the effects of catching the virus.” says Mrs. Guthrie. Getting vaccinated will help protect your body from the effects of COVID-19. 

All in all, those are some reasons why wearing a mask and getting vaccinated are important. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me. 


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